How Office Lighting Can Boost Your Productivity
Many employees take pride in personalizing their workspace. But while it’s not uncommon to see desks littered with action figures or cubicle walls cluttered with pictures, few people give much thought to the light around them. The intensity and type…
Can Mindfulness Fill Corporate America With Better, Happier Workers?
In 2012, when the New York Times reported that Google was offering its employees a chance to try out mindfulness techniques, the paper of record adopted a tone of befuddlement. “Sharing feelings?” the story asked; “Sitting quietly for long, unproductive…
Meditation, Mindfulness and Sleep Can Radically Impact Your Success
The entrepreneurial drive that inspires us to work tirelessly in service of our vision is one of the integral components of building a great company from scratch. No game-changing organization has ever been created without diligent sacrifice from individuals who…
Employee Retention at Your Attention
When it comes to running a business, the people you surround yourself with will ultimately come to define your company. Through customer engagement and the lifecycle of your particular product or service, the individuals on your side of the table…
Wellness Programs Take Aim At Workplace Stress
Stress has long been shown to increase the risk of heart disease, obesity, diabetes and a number of mental health problems. And a recent poll finds that a substantial number of working adults say stress is a critical health issue…
Is “desk yoga” the cure for all your workplace stress?
Most of us spend the majority of our time at our desks, hunched over a keyboard. This—surprise—is not particularly good for us. Sitting is the new cancer-scare, and offices are constantly seeking out new ways to combat it (seemingly with…
The Well-Being Perks You Never Thought to Offer
Healthy and happy employees are a company’s best resource. June, Employee Well-being Month, is a great opportunity for companies to help employees meet their personal goals, provide ways to feel better at work, combat stress and more. Employee health and…
Is It Possible to Teach a Great Yoga Class Via Video Chat?
Webcams can connect you with teachers and students all over the world via Skype, FaceTime, and Google Hangouts. Yet despite its ease and convenience, virtual instruction has its inherent limitations. Here, yoga teachers and students weigh in on teaching and…
Corporate Meditation: How and Why Big Businesses Are Promoting Meditation
Big businesses are smart. They’ve read the studies. They understand that time spent meditating means balanced workers who get things done. And they get that putting the mental health of their workers first increases both creativity and focus. The Benefits…
Honestly Cheap: 5 Ways to Promote Wellness in the Workplace
The darkest day I ever had at Honest Tea happened in April 2015, when my beloved personal assistant passed away unexpectedly. It reminded me how fragile life can be, and reinforced why health and wellness are a big part of our…