Everything seems to be closing in on you. The clutter in your home is unbearable; the piles seem ready to topple and you are ready for a full-on panic attack if your home doesn’t get organized pronto!
Have you ever been there? There are times it seems it would be easier to light a match and start over again when it comes to the chaos and clutter in our homes. As a busy society where our lives seem to be moving faster than a jet plane, we crave a calm retreat to come home to, but there seems to be no time left to create this oasis.
This is why the practice of mediation is catching on like wildfire and becoming a mainstream way of dealing with daily stresses. We will get into the science of mediation in a minute, but first let us get to the core of this article—The practice of meditation will not only heal your mind, it will also heal your home.
Here’s how:
How Meditation Works
It’s hard not to sound new-agey or paranormal when talking about deconstructing the self— The Atlantic
Some people shake their heads at the idea of meditating, thinking it’s a weird, newfangled, new-agey hoax. Although the act of meditation when broken down to the bare essentials seems relatively harmless— Sit. Relax. Breathe. What could be wrong with trying it? After all, couldn’t we all use a moment to sit, relax and breathe?
This may greatly simplify meditation to its bare bones because there are many ways to perform the art of meditation; however, the end result is the same—a calmer mind and body.
When you are new to this act of sitting and slowing your breath (in a quiet atmosphere that is free of distraction) it may seem difficult to clear your mind, but with practice people have found ways to train their brains to reach a state of deep awareness called the Theta State.
Tibetan monks have practiced the art of mediation to the point where their brains are able to reach the Delta State which is akin to sleeping while awake. If the simple act of breathing and relaxation can actually help calm our minds and stop that endless verbal chatter that is like an incessant child’s tantrum inside our head, then meditation may be worth a try.
This is Your Brain On Meditation
In the past, neurologists believed our brains reached a stage of peak performance and remained that way until older-age caused deterioration. We now know that everything we do and encounter can actually change the way our brains function, regardless of our age or stage of life. So what does meditation do to our brains?
Through Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) doctors have discovered that those who meditate actually have larger expanses of grey matter in their brains. What does this mean? Well, simply put it suggests that those who meditate are able to rewire their brains in a manner that allows them to be more calm, mindful, and alert.
Now that is amazing! Regular practice of meditation can actually retrain your brain! So how can this “retraining” of the mind affect the other areas of our lives, such as our homes?
Let’s look at what your new, calm mind will do to your home environment:
This is Your Home On Meditation
It may be a hypothesis, but it’s a good one—based on the results of what meditation can do for our brains and bodies, it only seems logical that if our brains are working in a more calm and Zen manner, then won’t our homes reflect this?
Immediately after meditating, you are serene, calm, you talk more slowly and think more logically. This relaxation technique is certain to make you view your home in a new light. Perhaps, after meditation, you will view the piles of clutter and they suddenly won’t bother you oh so much.
We suggest, that by giving your brain and body a moment to de-stress, the spinning world around you suddenly slows and all of your hectic work schedules and home clutter doesn’t seem as important anymore—you have a new perspective on life, and it’s a balanced one. The work will get done, the piles of clutter will get put away in due time, but in the meantime, meditation has allowed these nuisances to not bother you the way they did before.
Or perhaps you will crave a new home decor, one that is a calming oasis whereby you can relax and feel Zen all of the time. Could meditation make you want to redecorate? Here’s what we think:
Meditation Creates A Zen Home
Take a look at these mediation rooms. They all look open, calm, uncluttered and downright Zen, don’t they?
There is a reason we need a room such as this to meditate in—it’s difficult to surrender your mind to its higher self when you are surrounded by distractions, noise and clutter. Your path to meditation may begin by turning one room in your home into a mediation room, but we suggest that this will rub off onto the rest of your home, too.
The practice of meditation will not only rewire your brain to a calmer, more alert version of itself, it will also make you want to redecorate your home to reflect this new way of thinking.
A truly Zen home is one where clutter is non-existent or at least stored and categorized into out-of-sight “to-do” piles. Furnishings are clean-lined and simply arranged (perhaps some Feng Shui is incorporated), colors are neutral and accessories are minimized.
This type of home will certainly allow your meditative mind to stay relaxed.
Would you be willing to try meditation? Isn’t it worth the attempt when the possible side-effects contain so much possibility?
Find somewhere quiet in your home, then sit, breathe, relax….let the art of meditation take you away and transform your home, body and mind. Try it and let us know if you are feeling a bit more “Zenspirational”.
From: Freshome