If you’re a corporate professional, the chances are that you’re working round the clock.
However, it is also essential to maintain your health, and exercise is a critical aspect of that.
You don’t have to spend an hour in the gym – only ten minutes of Yoga will give you the strength and energy you need to survive through the day. It’s easy to save a bit of time in your daily routine and reserve it for Yoga. It becomes more comfortable when you have your luxury Panerai watch to track time.
Again, there are many practical ways in which you can squeeze in a couple of minutes of Yoga in your daily schedule. You can check out some fantastic online yoga catalogues.
Here is how you can fit in Yoga in your daily routine.
1. Make an effort
This is the first step you should take. Make an effort to reserve ten minutes of your day for Yoga. You can start your morning ten minutes early, or end it ten minutes later, or dedicate ten minutes of your lunch break to Yoga. Once you do this diligently for about a week or two, you will find that it has become a part of your routine almost seamlessly.
2. If nothing else, meditate
If you don’t get the time to do Yoga, use ten minutes of your daily life to try and meditate. You may not be successful at it all at once, but just closing your eyes and focusing on your breathing will enable you to feel calm and centred for the rest of your hectic day. Ideally, you should meditate in silence, so use the time before going to bed, or the time before you leave for work to sit down, gather your thoughts and calm your mind and body.
3. Try different things every day
It won’t be possible for you to perform every single asana each day if you’re only getting ten minutes worth of time to do Yoga. That is why you should distribute your asanas over the days of the week so that each of them gets done. When you practice different postures every day, you’ll not get bored, and you will still find it fun to do a bit of Yoga before you start your day.
4. Keep practising time and again
When you’re feeling tired in between work, try to do some breathing exercises. Use your desk or table as support to practice some stretching. Yoga is meant to relieve stress and help you feel relaxed, so the best time to practice your asanas and breath control exercises would be when you’re feeling stressed out from work. You’ll notice a significant reduction in body pain and body ache once you make Yoga a habit.
Like anything else, yoga yields results when it is done fairly regularly. It is not that difficult to incorporate a bit of Yoga in your daily schedule if you put your mind to it and are determined to make it happen.
From: Teton Gravity Research