Decompression Exercises
Gravity compresses the discs of your spine during the day, regardless of whether you are lying on the sofa, sitting at your desk or standing in line at the grocery store. While spinal compression is normal, discomfort and pain can…
The Best Chair Yoga Workout
Yoga is not just for the preternaturally flexible among us. There is an appropriate set of yoga poses for every body type and that includes seniors, paraplegics and those of us bound to an office desk every day. Practising chair…
6 ways to stop sciatica pain with yoga
Sciatica is a real pain in the butt — and, sometimes, in the leg and foot. That’s because the sciatic nerves, the longest nerves in your body, run bilaterally from the base of the spine through the deep muscles of…
Firms shape up for success with workplace wellness programs, perks
At the San Luis Obispo headquarters for international software company Mindbody, employees can break away for noontime yoga or retreat to one of the building’s downstairs spa rooms for a massage or facial. Amid high ceilings, colorful beanbag chairs and…
Vancouverites get behind National Yoga Month to improve workplace wellness
“The wellness of employees is the wellness of the company; the very strength of a company is its employees”.- Dario Calvaruso, owner of Holistic Wellness & Yoga in Hong Kong. Vancouver, BC (August 25, 2014) – The benefits of regular exercise,…
Keep calm and carry interest – business giants embrace mindfulness
Rupert Murdoch does it, Steve Jobs did it, and lessons on how to learn it are the most popular on offer at Google HQ. Meditation is in the zeitgeist. Once on the fringes, the ancient technique is being dusted off…
Why should my CEO care about my BMI?
On the surface, offering lunchtime yoga at the office might sound like a waste of precious worktime. But health and corporate leaders who spoke at the Jax Chamber’s “Building a Healthier Workplace” conference today said employee wellness initiatives — yoga…
Wall Street yoga: Finance gets its downward dog on
In the fiercely competitive environment of Wall Street, almost everyone is looking for an edge—from traders who spend years memorizing the trading patterns of a handful of stocks, to research analysts who dig through their Rolodexes (literal and virtual) to…
Infographic: Preventive care in corporate America
Major companies offer onsite gyms, yoga, even squash courts. Could your health organization partner with smaller companies to provide wellness programs? Staying healthy is on many people’s minds—including employers’. An infographic from MBA Healthcare Management illustrates how major corporations are…
Retailers Think These Will Be Like Yoga Pants For Men
The pants feature a loose, sweatpant-style leg tapering to elastic cuffs that hit just above the ankle. To be clear, there probably won’t be any jogging involved. Their appeal more likely stems from the fact that they can better show…