The revival of my yoga and meditation practice has brought me so much in the last few years. It has kept me calm, centered and optimistic, even in the face of calamity and loss. But, more than that, there are so many lessons I have learned on my mat that bring vitality to my business. Yogic teachings are a metaphor for life. (…and the blueprint for my new company launch: New Designs for Living.)
1. Intention
Setting an intention is like a creating a mission statement. Hold the highest goals and objectives in mind and then simply proceed with daily practice. Keep checking in to revisit the touchstone of intention.
2. Strength
Doing yoga on a regular basis certainly makes us stronger in body, mind and spirit. Inspirational leadership, confident decision-making and consistent perseverance in business requires profound strength of character.
3. Flexibility
Life is an ever-changing landscape and if you can flow with it, everything is better. Cultivating flexibility requires patience and faith, as well as regular practice. Eventually we learn to allow the forces of time and nature to do the work.
4. Self-knowledge
Taking time for introspection brings us right to our personal edge. If we keep exploring, questioning, moving and reaching–stretching our limits–without pushing too hard, we learn what we are capable of.
5. Discipline
Discipline means taking the long view and doing the work to get there.
6. Balance
Balance poses often reveal how we are feeling emotionally. Some days staying calm and centered is easy and others, not so much. Always returning to internal stillness–practicing even when it’s hard–is the way to cultivate inner focus and calm detachment. We get thrown off less easily and can preserve our energy for the work we have to do.
7. Clarity
The calm clarity I achieve after a session of yoga or meditation is the perfect environment for creativity, innovation, and productivity. Communication is clear and efforts are not wasted.
8. Compassion
Yoga teaches us to cultivate compassion not only for others, but for ourselves. A company performs best when everyone is cared for with mutual respect and gratitude.
9. Patience
There is an ebb and flow to everything. Breath is an integral part of a yoga practice and helps slow the mind so that we are able to pause and touch that place between words and actions–breathe in inspiration, breathe out creativity.
10. Unity
Yoga means “yoke” or unity–of body, mind and spirit. Nothing gets accomplished when goals and people are fractured and working at cross purposes. A shared vision empowers a company to greatness.
From: Sigrid Style